Improving mental wellbeing as a means of increasing inclusion of young people
Compromised mental health increases the risk for social exclusion in early adulthood. Investments in mental wellbeing of the young are currently critical as the specialized mental health services for this age group are overloaded and the mental ill-being has further increased during the pandemic.
We will complement the aims of the Finnish mental health policy strategy 2020-2030 in confirming that we can improve access to psychosocial interventions in educational, primary healthcare, and correctional settings.
We will introduce evidence based psychosocial interventions designed for young people under 25 years of age. After adaptation to Finland and implementation, we will evaluate cost-effectiveness in real-life. We will increase knowledge to improve identification, adaptation, dissemination and implementation of interventions, and finally, engagement to these interventions and mental health services in general. We will actively involve young people and professionals at all stages.